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100% Merino Wool Yarn
2022-03-10 10:34  Visit:228
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Guangdong Lianyi Textile Co., LTD's merino wool yarn is sourced from Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, South Africa, Russia and China, which are the major wool producing countries in the world.

Sweaters made from 100% Merino wool have a delicate, soft feel, breathable comfort and warmth without the tickiness of traditional chemical fibers. Even after a lot of sweating, clothes do not leave any odor. This wool contains all the advantages of traditional wool fibers, which are recyclable, decomposable and renewable.

A sweater made of 100% wool has a soft and elastic feel, with wide bones and no wrinkles. Natural light, luster, natural soft, pure color. Worsted wool, knitted sweaters are mostly thin and medium-sized, smooth and smooth surface, delicate texture, clear lines, good drapery. Rough spin kind wool, the sweater that weave comes out is medium thick model and thick model more, the surface is plump, quality of a material or fleeciness or compact, keep warm sex is good. Wool clothing elasticity is good, with the hand clenched, grasp pinch after loosening basically without wrinkle, slight crease can also be removed in a short time, quickly restore leveling.

Guangdong Lianyi Textile Co., LTD's is a long-term member of international Wool Mark Association. We have Australian Wool origin certificate and non-tail-cut Wool certificate, as well as RWS test certificate. All our products can meet the test certificate of OEKO-100 of European Union.

• 100% shrink proof machine washable Merino wool, through the special spinning process, wool sweaters can be directly washed by machine, no hand washing, solve the trouble of many people do not have time to wash clothes by hand. Guangdong Lianyi Textile Co., LTD. has this group of wool yarn spot, the minimum order quantity of color card color 1KG/COL, can be delivered on the same day, to meet the demand of rapid response of the market, Our company can also help contract workers and materials, make sweater orders, welcome to discuss cooperation.


TO: lianyifz



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